Dan Zinck

Manager of Strategy and Implementation


Dan grew up on a small farm in Southern Illinois. After completing agronomy studies at SIU-C in 1988 he moved to central Illinois working in research for American Cyanamid and Monsanto. Over his 30+ year career in agriculture, he has focused primarily on research and knowledge transfer in crop protection, seed, traits, and general agronomy.  Before joining Integrated Seed, he led agronomy for Novus Ag. He served as CEO of Innovative Seed Solutions, a global sorghum breeding and licensing company.  Before that, various roles within Monsanto allowed him to lead the Stone Seed Brand, US Technology Development, and Dekalb Agronomy.  He started his career in field research which provided him with the opportunity to help define RR soy, RR corn, and above and below-ground insect traits for corn & dicamba-tolerant soybeans. He resides in Indiana with his wife Carolyn and daughters Alyson and Anastasia.  Carolyn and he stay grounded in production ag by operating their small family farm in Illinois.

Meet the Rest of the Team

Allen Martin

Business Owner


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Chris Danner

President of WI/MN


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